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Writer's pictureDiana Smithson

The Juggle is Real

The popular catch phrase "the struggle is real" has been changed in my life lately to the "juggle is real".

The "struggle is real" often refers to parenting, weight loss goals, getting out of bed and getting ready for the day, making meals, going to work, really there's no limit to what this phrase means. We could all adopt it to mean something in our lives.

The "juggle is real" has proven to be the same thing for me.

I was talking to a friend the other day about her house selling process and sharing with her some of our struggles, or juggles rather, I learned that we all have something in common right now! We are all juggling something in our lives right now.

What is it for you?

-kids homeschooling?

-working from home with kids around?

-time management and grocery shopping?

-keeping social distancing restrictions while still trying to maintain friendships?

Times have definitely changed with the onset of the Coronavirus regulations placed upon us and ones that we have voluntarily imposed upon ourselves. It's a time of uncertainty, fear, frustration, etc with little light at the end of the tunnel as to when this will all subside.

My lack of blogging lately has been in direct correlation with "the juggle is real." Our family has gone through some amazingly wonderful and stressful transitions since the quarantine has all started. I have spent more time out of the home training clients, which has been an identity crisis of the sorts, helping kids with school when I do get home, although my husband is totally nailing homeschool parent, dejunking and organizing our house to get it ready to put on the market, adjusting our traveling schedules to look for houses in a new state, managing my time so I can shop and still get other things done. I'm sure I'm missing things, but this is where I feel the main juggle!

Mentally I have struggled to put my feelings in writing as I have definitely felt the mental strain all of this confusion has created. I miss my friends, I miss my extended family, I miss my neighbors, I miss my gym class attendees. Changing communication methods have been on the top of my priority list, yet it seems that something still doesn't get done by the end of the day.


Something that has stuck true in my mind amidst all the craziness around us is that we have more control over our moods and thoughts than we think we do. (disclaimer: I am not a therapist and don't know what YOU'RE going through mentally, but as a whole I am speaking to those of us who are easily swayed by others; we can be in charge of that!). While the juggle often feels like it's too hard to handle at times, we can rise above!

While the act of juggling was simply created as a means of entertainment, everything that I am juggling right now is nothing short of a crazy mess.

YET, I have committed to show up for myself and show up for others each day as my best. While I don't always do the best job that I want to, I do have the mindset of trying. This is something we can all have in common.

We must not compare what we are juggling with what others are/are not juggling. We must validate that we are all in this together and that the "juggle is REAL!"

In the meantime of me figuring out how to stay on top of blogging and expressing my feelings through sharing with others, please find a way of expressing yourself. Engage in valuable content that is uplifting, encouraging and hopeful.

Don't lose sight of what's most important to YOU! The JUGGLE is REAL!

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